Wellness Keys: Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep.

By Mariana Degraft Dickson

Wellness Keys.

If you’re feeling stressed and close to crisis, then you need to hit the reset button. That means taking some time off and recuperate while also using the time to get your life organized with less stress.

Now you’ve got your ‘mental game’ down you just need to think about looking after yourself.

We’ve discussed how your energy levels are finite, how you can burn out your adrenal glands and how you psychologically need time off. This is true for everyone that pursue wellness.

Where we vary though, is in how much we can do before we end up collapsing. This is largely a matter of our health.

Don’t you just hate those people who seem like they have boundless energy? They tend to have ripped abs, they always have their shirts off, their teeth are shiny white and they have amazing lives where they earn tons of money, travel the world, constantly are doing new things with friends and always seem happy.

Don’t you wish you could take a leaf out of their book?

The trick is just to make sure you’re looking after yourself and giving yourself the nutrition, sleep and exercise you need.

This is hard when you’re burned out so it’s something of a vicious cycle/catch 22. By applying the rules above though and making subtle changes though you can make a gradual difference over time leading to a full transformation.

Changes though you can make a gradual difference over time leading to a full transformation.

                                                                         3 Most Important Factors

Fresh and organic food# 1. Diet

The best diet in terms of avoiding burnout is one that is filled with natural, nutrient-rich foods. That means you want to avoid useless empty carbs (cake, sweets, and soda drinks) which cause a sugar spike followed by a crash and you want to avoid overly processed food that’s had all the goodness removed from it (takeaways and ready you want to avoid overly processed food that’s had all the goodness removed from it (takeaways and ready meals).

Instead, you want to eat complex carbs (things like sweet potatoes and vegetables) for  steady energy, you want to get fats for energy, absorption, and testosterone (especially for guys) and you want to get protein which provides your body with the building blocks it needs to create muscle and more importantly – your neurotransmitters. (And don’t forget fiber too which will keep your systems running smoothly).

Why is protein so important? Because it’s packed with amino acids like L-tyrosine, phenylalanine, and L-theanine. What you need to know about these particular amino acids is that they form the building blocks of our neurotransmitters. Thus they can help you to avoid adrenal fatigue. At the same time, they can also help you to produce more serotonin which will keep your neurochemistry nicely in balance.

Certain vitamins and minerals do this too such as vitamin B6. Make sure you eat plenty of red meat (particularly organic meat and grass-fed beef) and that you consume fruit and vegetables.

Don’t worry about meat and grass-fed beef) and that you consume fruit and vegetables. Don’t worry about the sugar from the fruit and veg, eating nutrient-dense food will speed up your metabolism and keep you fuller so you’ll lose weight in other place

Sleep for wellnessOne of the best ways to recover from physical or mental stress is to get lots of sleep in your comfortable Sleepenvie. You probably already knew this but are you doing the necessary work to ensure that your sleep is the best quality it can be? Sleep should be an absolute priority for everyone interested in optimal health and performance so quality it can be? Sleep should be an absolute priority for everyone interested in optimal health and performance so make sure it is for you too.

A few simple changes:

Make sure you are getting enough in Sleep (8 hours).

Make your room completely dark and silent as far as possible.

Take a warm bath or shower before bed.

# 3. Exercise

Exercise helps your body to become far more energy efficient, it elevates your mood and it improves your sleep. As mentioned, something simple like a walk in the park can actually be sufficient to result in significant benefits. But better than that would be to engage in what is known as ‘HIIT’ training.

This is ‘High-Intensity Interval Training’ and it involves alternating bursts of 70-100% effort with periods of light ‘active recovery’. For instance, then, you might sprint for 1 minute and then jog lightly for 3 and repeat.

might sprint for 1 minute and then jog lightly for 3 and repeat.

This form of exercise results in the fastest weight loss with minimal effort. What’s more, it also has been shown to result in the creation of more mitochondria – to a greater extent than other forms of exercise.

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Understanding the integral roles of nutrition, exercise, and sleep is essential for achieving overall wellness. These three components are interconnected and collectively contribute to physical health, mental well-being, and optimal functioning in daily life.

By prioritizing a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and ensuring adequate rest, individuals can foster a healthier lifestyle that enhances their quality of life and promotes longevity. Emphasizing the significance of these elements not only empowers individuals to make informed choices but also underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health and wellness.                                                      
Be transformed, Live, Laugh and share this post. To other person that is interested in change their completed perspective of their life and the way they see themself.  Remember you are the most valuable and lovely person!


1.Why wellness is important?

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