Skin types and they’re protection.


Skin types and the umbral pigment

The skin reflex the different aspect from the General Health, specially the Diet and the Life Style. Everything you do and you do not you skin show up.

It the skin the more extensive organ, the weight around 6 to 11 pounds. With the extension of more that two meter. Few parts or  the body are regenerate quickly as the skin. The external layer; the Epidermis is renew every month, at the velocity of 30,000 death squamous cells for minute.

The external exposition and the dynamics can carry problems, like eruptions, spots, sores and eczema. Also show cutaneous tumors for the reduction of toxic and chemical substances or the ultraviolet radiation of the other type.

It is the skin is one of the most important organs our body. If you lose an extension of Skin mayor of 40% by a burned accident, the life chance is impossible. The skin act like protective barrier that aisle the organism from the environment that surrounded it, protects and contribute to keeping the integrity from the structures, and at the same time acts as a communications system with the environment.

                 The best way to protect your skin

The Skin is compossed by externals cells that are strongly interwoven but permit such flexibility and are occupied totally for the hard protein keratin. The skin, naturally protecs you again.

  • Avoid the lose of the excessive absorption of water.
  • Again the infections, chemical, ultraviolet irradiation, toxic particle and protection. The protection again the wave longitudes of wave UVA and UVB are invisible to the human eye, and the skin is protected with one melanin pigment. The melanin pigment, which formed the superior part from the epidermis is one protected screen.
  • The presence of solar light, our skin allow the synthesis and production of vitamin D, essential for Calcium metabolism.
  • The temperature regulation is regulated throught the dilation and contraction of blood vessels like hit, sweat, and hair piloerection. When the body is hot, the dermis blood vessels are vast and more blood was flowing and lose of hot from the surface.
  • The skin is rush and produce sweat and get cold on the corporal surfaces. If the body is cold, the blood vessels are narrow to avoid the lose of hot, also the hair is also arising to trap the the temperature.
  • Through the skin are perceive the sensations of pain, tact and temperature. By the presence of great variety of micro receptors with the number and density varied from the body to one part to another.
  • The skin from the fingerprint present more that 3000 receptor to the light tact for the precise detection of sensations. Every type of receptor is distributed in one different deep according their fuctions.
  • The corpusculum of Puccini are located in the deep of the nervous free terminations are located in all the kind of conjunctive tissue. Corpusculum of Ruffini, reaction the tact and to the linght pressure are located in the pal from the hands, sole from the feeds, lips, eyelid, external genital and nipple.

Piel 1

   The Stratus from the Skin.

The skin have three layers from the surface to the deep are; Epidermis, Dermis and Hypodermis.                                                               

The epidermis is the most external part from the skin. It’s located above the dermis and is formed exclusive for the epithelial cells that keratinocytes kind.


Umbral pigment that determine the color from the Skin.

The skin color depend from type and amount of two pigment of melanin (pheomelanin and the eumelanin) and the distribution from the pigments granules.

The melanocyte produce pigments in the form of granules that displace the melanosomes and discharge in the cellules. The dark skin present melanocytes more bigger, the skin clear posse melanoses more smaller. The exposition to radiation UV stimulates the melanocytes and the dark skin.

The Epidermis the superficial stratums and five stratum

Basal Stratum is formed for cylindrical cells and melanocytes that give the pigment to the skin. Malpighian Stratum is above the basal stratum. The cells are formed and united in bouquet between 6-20 and are united with the membrane.

Granulosum stratum is composed in rows from flat cells. In this strato the cells are dead and formed the cornea layer.

Lucid Stratum is above over the anterior, formed a semi transparent layer.
Corneo Stratum Is form for rows of dead cells, without nuclei and is dehydrated. These small cells have in the interior keratin and grease.

The dermis is the slay from the skin situated under the Epidermis and formed connect with it. The protector function, represent the second line of defense again the traumatism.

Storage the most of tactile receptors. Is the mixture of collagen, elastin and other type of tissue. Is formed for two layers dermis superior is a superficial zone for laxo connective tissue and dermis profound.

The Hypodermis is the subcutaneous layer from the skin, constitute for connective laxo tissue is the continuation in profundity from the dermis. The collagen and elastin fibers are connected directly with the dermis and take all the directions principally to the skin surface.

The good and healthy skin care protect deep and in the surface.

Skin Types

# 1. Normal. It’s the skin is such with hydro-lipidic stratum is correctly formed with number of lipids is ideal. This means a balance in hydration and the production in oil in areas with tendency to get dry and breakout.

# 2. Grease Skin. It’s skin present a mayor activity from the sebaceous glands. Have a constant production of grease in the name are T with high tendency to keep oil the forehead, nose and chin.

# 3. Dry Skin. the correct function overlapping barrier one cutaneous surface, flexible without fissures, breakout and with imperceptible peeling. The development is consequence from
decrease in the water and oil content. Characterized for the presence of rough, peeling, lose of flexibility and elasticity, breakout and hyperkeratosis (thick skin)

# 4. Sensible Skin. Is such skin with the tolerance inferior umbral compere with the normal skin, means reacting in front to stimulus to which one normal skin not reaction, suffer discomfort sensation like hit, stretched effect, rushed and fragile result.

# 5. Mixte Skin. It’s the most complex skin for the presence of oily areas and dry areas. The oily area is well know that “T” zone that comfort the forehead, the nose and the chin. This is characterized for the presence of expanded pores and oil skin tallow and black points.

The dry area from the eyes, specially in the eyelid are need special care with nourishment product to keep the moisturized. You want more moisturized for the drys areas from the skin face special exposed to hot.

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Mixte Skin is the most complex skin type, with both oily and dry areas. The oily area, commonly referred to as the T zone, includes the forehead, nose, and chin. It is characterized by enlarged pores, excess oil production, and blackheads.

On the other hand, the dry area, particularly around the eyes and eyelids, requires special care and nourishment to maintain moisture. It is essential to keep this dry area adequately moisturized, especially when exposed to heat. Remember to share this valuable content with others who may benefit, and feel free to reach out with any concerns or questions. Be transformed, Live, Laugh and share this post. To other person that is interested in change their completed perspective of their life and the way they see themself.  Remember you are the most valuable and lovely person!

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