How Uterine Fibroids affect the Pregnancy and Fertility.


Detection of Uterine Fibroid or Myomas to Avoid Medical complication


Uterine fibroid is the noncancerous growths, probably during the pregnancy periods, of the woman’s uterus. Commonly known as Leiomyomas, fibroid and Uterine myomas, the tumors range in size from sprouts, hard to deduct by human eyes, to the large uterus causing heavy periods and abdominal pains.

You may have a single fibroid or multiple ones that can extremely enlarge the uterus to reach the rib cage.

Symptoms Of Uterine fibroids

This situation’s not unusual for women to have the Uterine fibroids in their lifetime, rather, the National Institution of Health revealed that up to 80% of women, between the ages of 30 years to 50 years, have a fibroid. However, most of the women are not aware that they have fibroid because they often have no symptoms.

Off the chances, your physician may discover fibroid during a prenatal ultrasound or a genital exam.
Some women may have fibroid symptoms as experiencing longer menstrual period and heavy bleeding, pelvic discomfort or pain, more than frequent urination and constipation.

Women with fibroid may face difficulty in emptying the bladder and may have back pain or leg pain.

Different Types Of Uterine fibroid

Uterine fibroids are classified by their location, and they have an effect on the symptoms and the type of treatment. A woman can have more than one type of fibroid from its four basic types

1. Intramural Fibroid

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of uterine fibroid, and they grow between the muscles of the uterus. These fibroids keep on expanding inside the uterus and result in the large size of the uterus.

A common misconception about the intramural fibroid is relating it to the pregnancy or weight gain.

Uterine Fibroids Distribution

Type of Intramural Fibroid.

• Anterior intramural fibroid: Found on the front of the uterus
• Posterior intramural fibroid: Located on the uterus back
• Fundal intramural fibroid: Located at the upper area of the uterus

Causes of intramural fibroid

The exact causes of the intramural fibroid are not known, rather it has invisible symptoms, making it hard to diagnose this fibroid unless there are some complications.

However, many doctors believe that the development of intramural fibroid occurs in the middle layer of the urinate wall from an abnormal muscle.

These fibroids expend gradually resulting in the distortion of the urine cavity. The fact is women of child-bearing age suffer from the abnormal growth of the muscle in urinate wall.

Change in lifestyle can be a cause of these fibroids, however, genetic factors and hormonal imbalance can’t be ignored.
Development of intramural fibroid is not the outcome of any specific cause, instead, various factors contribute collectively to the formation of these fibroids the principal is the excessive production of this hormone estrogen, a lack of the reproductive function from a uterus.

The nulliparous women have high risk in the development of fibroid. Exist increase in the African American woman. Exist another factor like the excess of junk food and improper sleep also contribute to the development of intramural fibroid.

2. Submucous fibroid

Submucosal Fibroid leads to the blockage of a woman’s fallopian tube, thus preventing sperms to travel
in the uterus and fertilize the egg. Also known as Stalk fibroid, these are located on the inner
layer of the uterus and also in the endometrial cavity.

Some obvious symptoms are observed in these fibroids, specifically heavy menstrual bleeding and more
than a frequent menstrual period. It may lead to the passing of clot and soiling which may affect
your lifestyle. Unnoticed or prolonged menstrual bleeding can cause intense complicated health
conditions like fatigue and anemia.

However, the submucous fibroid can be treated by a nominal casual method called Hysteroscopy.

Causes of Submucous fibroid

Though there are no significant causes of a submucous fibroid, it is related to infertility to a great
extent. It is believed by the doctors that some hormones, specifically hormones created by the ovary as
estrogen and progesterone, cause the submucous fibroid in women. Genetic factors and heavy body
weight also contribute to the formation of this fibroid.

3. Causes of Pedunculated fibroid

These are non-cancerous fibroid attached to the stalk of the uterus wall either the inner or outer side.
They have the stalk-like growth known as a peduncle. If the fibroid grows inside the uterus wall it
is called as a Pedunculated submucosal fibroid, whereas, if the growth is outside the uterus wall,
it is known as a Pedunculated subserosal fibroid.

While the symptoms of these fibroids are not very known but based on the size and location of growth,
these fibroids may result in constipation, prolonged periods and painful menstrual cycle. If the size
of pedunculated fibroid becomes too large or it covers a large area in the uterus then it may lead to the trouble for a woman with fertility.

Causes of a pedunculated fibroid
Though the causes of a pedunculated fibroid are not known, the doctors believe that genetics and
heredity may be the factors contributing to these fibroids. A woman with a family history of this fibroid,
specifically pregnant woman, might be at risk of a pedunculated fibroid.

4. Subserosal fibroid

These fibroids usually grow on the outer wall of uterine, and they can continue to grow to enlarge in
size. The growth of subserosal fibroid will catch the surrounding organs and may cause pain in
We may not relate subserosal fibroid to the heavy menstrual periods, instead, these fibroid cause
pelvic pressure and back pain. Other complications may happen depending on the size and location of
these fibroids.

It is possible that these fibroids may grow very large in size, yet more common in the childbearing years of a woman. but the common symptoms include

Symptoms of Uterine fibroid (Subserosal)

We can not say what are the exact symptoms of subserosal fibroid,
back pain or pelvic pressure and constipation. If your urination is more than frequent and you have
potential kidney damage, then it can be related to the occurrence of a subserosal fibroid.

How Uterine fibroid Impact A Woman’s Fertility And Pregnancy
Studies show that fibroid is present in almost 5-10% of infertile women. If the fibroid changes the shape of the uterus from inside then it is likely to reduce fertility. the fibroid can result in the blockage of fallopian tubes obstructing sperms to reach the eggs.

The fibroid is critical in the destruction of the endometrial cavity, causing hormonal milieu and changed endometrial growth.

On the other hand, the fibroid may impact the pregnancy as the reports have shown that fibroid in pregnancy ranges from 0.1 to 10%. During pregnancy, a fibroid is likely to encounter women who are 5 years old or above resulting in an increase in pregnancy complications. During pregnancy, the fibroid can grow rapidly, causing severe pain, the fibroid can lead to miscarriage.

Myomectomy Resection
Myomectomy Resection

How To Treat The Uterine fibroid

A fibroid can be managed and treated in various ways depending on their size, location the age of the affected woman. You may receive a single treatment or a combination of treatments. In general, treatment may include.

1. Medication

A fibroid can be shrunk by giving medication to regulate the hormonal levels. Gonadotropin-releasing
hormone agonist can be used to treat the fibroid which lowers the levels of progesterone and
estrogen, eventually resulting in a stoppage of unusual menstruation.

2. Myomectomy

It can be used to remove all types of fibroid, regardless of their location. It is a surgical
treatment to remove the large and multiple growths of fibroids. Three different approaches can be
used in Myomectomy which are:

• Hysteroscopy: fibroids are removed by inserting a scope into the uterus by the way of vagina and

• Laparotomy: It is an Abdominal Myomectomy, in which small incisions are inserted in the abdomen to
reach the uterus and remove fibroids.

• laparoscopic: During Laparoscopy, two small cuts are made in the abdomen to remove the fibroid. A
laparoscope is inserted through one cut to reach the fibroid and the catheter is inserted through the
other cut.

3. Hysterectomy

It is the most common surgical treatment to remove the fibroid. This type of surgical treatment is
recommended for women with heavy menstruation and large fibroid. If all the other treatment
then this option can be used as the last one surgery can be partial or full, and Hysterectomytomy it will result in the elimination of a woman’s ability to give birth. This surgical treatment is fie
for the women of old age because the elimination of your ability to give birth hardly matters in

Uterine Fibroids Distribution
Uterine Fibroids Distribution


4. Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Uterine fibroid embolization is a minimally invasive, completely non-surgical, procedure performed by
a vascular specialist. The femoral artery, supplying blood to the fibroid, is identified in this
procedure and high-frequency sound waves are directed to destroy the fibroid.
Usually, a specialist locates the artery and makes a minor nick in the artery to insert the
and destroy the fibroid. The symbolization shrinks the fibroid by cutting off the blood supply to

5. Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial ablation is another way to treat the fibroid in which a special instrument is inserted
into the uterus to destroy the uterus lining and fibroid. This procedure is recommended for a small
fibroid that is developed inside the uterus. Women having moderate to extreme fibroid symptoms such as a heavy menstrual cycle and pelvic pressure can use this option.

Before choosing any type of treatment, you should consult your physician. Carefully understand each treatment, and consider the risks and benefits associated with it. If you are at childbearing age and expecting a baby in the future, you might not go for any treatment that can result in your disability to have a child.

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CONCLUSION: Addressing uterine fibroids is of paramount importance for both physical and emotional well-being. By proactively managing these growths, individuals can alleviate symptoms such as pain and heavy menstrual bleeding, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life.

Furthermore, timely intervention can prevent potential complications associated with untreated fibroids. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and to explore appropriate treatment options. Taking these steps not only fosters better health outcomes but also empowers individuals to take control of their reproductive health.

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