Control Your Life.

Good Thoughts Produce Good Emotions and Excellent Actions.

Control your life with your thoughts. Your words are the expression of your reality; your belief, emotions, reviews, and ideas show what indeed who you are.

We are based on what we eat, learn, believe, think and practice. Taking unconscious patterns that affect us in two ways, positive and negative, all depend on the outcomes.  Sometimes, the product results in diseases, behavior, tragedy, disapproval, or rejection.  Most of these patterns finally end conditions. The stressful life suppresses the immune system, slow your strength is low, which does not allow your internal system of auto-regulation to work in your favor. Your whole life gets compromised more when you’re susceptible to maximize every lousy thought. For example, if you have a slight headache, and a mortal headache, you are killing yourself unconsciously.

Most of the diseases have a psychosomatic compound. This event means it starts in the imagination; it depends on how “powerful you want to get sick”  The doctor makes the invisible interpretation, which the sick person refers to by their sensitivity of every individual.  Signs and symptoms are a clinical parameter to determine the disease. The symptomatology is variable for every individual depending on the peak (mind) and internalizes the pain or discomfort.  Control your life because the interpretation turns to be visible.  When the doctor found the sign; rash, blood, infection, loss of continuity area, growth, evidence of pain, etc.

The Management of Your Success or failure is Insight.

There is a high percentage of diseases Psychosomatics, the beginning of more of them is in mind.  That is the reason, is essential to change the mindset. If you’re one that the doctor doesn’t know, what do you have and no physical evidence of your disease, you need to change your way of thinking. Maybe the patient is hypochondriac, which refers to all the possible conditions and finally lacks one of them. Such persons that sometimes know more than the doctors because it’ has the more updated information of every possible disease in their mind.

With the mindset in balance, you can promote in your body homeostasis. (the Greek word for compensation) that d how the various physiological functions of the body control and interact in feedback to prevent major disturbances like psychological trauma and diseases. The mind is the engine of your body and, you can build the strength of your own life’s weakness.  Never allow bad thoughts to invade your mind, even your face bad shape in your life. It is through the change of your thoughts that you  overcome many difficulties.

It’s essential to develop good thoughts, they can produce emotions, and emotions produce action.   We need to create good thoughts that produce good emotions that conduce excellent action in a chaotic world.  

Ultimately, the key to making sense of and maintaining control over one’s life lies in a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. Life is inherently dynamic, and the ability to adjust one’s strategies and perspectives in response to changing circumstances is invaluable. By cultivating resilience and a growth mindset, individuals can navigate the complexities of life with confidence and grace.

CONCLUSION:                                                                                                                                                                         Practically  taking control of your life involves intentional decision-making, setting clear goals, and cultivating self-discipline. By establishing a structured framework that includes assessing your values and priorities, you can create a roadmap that guides your actions.

Embracing personal accountability and remaining adaptable in the face of challenges will further empower you to navigate life’s complexities with confidence. Ultimately, fostering a proactive mindset will enable you to achieve a sense of agency and fulfillment in both your personal and professional endeavors.

Be transformed, Live, Laugh and share this post. To other person that is interested in change their completed perspective of their life and the way they see themself.  Remember you are the most valuable and lovely person!




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